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This is an exciting topic!. Women have this "good girl switch" in them, which you could turn on or off and doing this depends on your attitude towards her, the way you handle situations and your level of maturity.

What I mean by the "good girl switch" is actually a fictitious button which could change the way a woman behaves and treats you, from bad and uncaring to good and caring. Confusing right? Well all I am trying to talk about are ways to make your woman behave like a good girl for you.

How do I make it happen? 
First of all, women like independent men, men who can handle situations all by themselves with little or no help from them. 
One interesting and remarkable thing about real men, is their emotional stability and strength, they don't go around sulking and complaining too much about the ugly situations they face to anyone, not even their woman. This is the secret behind this! (a man who complains less and who doesn't need her help or comfort because he has it all under control and can handle it) 
Let's look into these instances:

1. A man comes back home from a bad and stressful day at work, he starts sulking, complaining and explaining how bad his day went to his woman expecting some comfort. 

2. A man comes back from a bad and stressful day at work. Looking at how tired and stressed up he is, she asks him something like; "How was work today? You look so stressed up, what happened?" and he replies Subtly by saying; "oh, well, a very bad day, we meet complicated people everyday, it always happens" 

Looking at both situations, what you think would happen and who among both guys would turn on "the good girl switch"?

Well in the first scenario, he has complained so much about how bad his day went, expecting some consolation. Certainly, his woman would start thinking less about him gradually, she might begin to think of him as less of a man. She would begin to think; "can't he handle situations on his own?" she will start feeling neutral, she would begin to feel like the man in the relationship if it becomes persistent. 

In the second scenario, he spoke less about his bad day at work and also gave her the impression that everything was okay and he could handle the situation. What would happen next would be "magical" because she will get the message clearly of how independent he is, she will want to know more and she will want to see where she could help. This is the good girl switch I am talking about! 

The secret in all this, is to act indepently, like I always say, although you might really need her, you don't need her to help you out with anything, and you don't need her assistance, you are fine and okay just the way you are. Now this doesn't only work in scenarios like this and I am not asking you to act like a robot either, but if you apply this principle to your life and your everyday dealings with women, especially women you are in a relationship with, they would want to do things for you, they would want to do anything to win your attention. Your woman would become a good girl for you. If you both were having a hard time, she will change, if not immediately, then gradually. This will happen because you have learnt to be independent and you have shown her how independent you are. 


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