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This is how most relationships begin and end;
First of all, a guy is single, he might feel lonely and he might not. He decides to move into a relationship with a female person, sometimes, because he feels lonely(although this happens in few cases) and other times, for reasons best known to him. Then he falls in love with this girl that seems unique to him, deep within him, he is so happy. They both go on a date and things kick off from there.

Finally, they are both having a nice, lovely relationship, they are in love with each other and at some point, it seems like they would live their lives together forever. Suddenly, things starts getting ugly with the girl he is in love with. She starts acting in strange ways he never imagined. Sometimes he asks himself; “why the sudden negative change in attitude and behaviour? What have I don’t to deserve this?”. He doesn’t seem to be able to answer this questions himself.

After a short period of time, she texts him saying that she’s done with him. He is dumped! That’s it! His relationship is over!

Although he might feel that he didn’t in any way do anything to deserve it, there are definitely things he did and ways he acted that made her go. Let’s look into these.

Reasons why she dumped you

1. You were too needy and desperate
You were to desperate about her and finally you gave her the impression that you couldn’t do without her. You always called her on phone and you always texted her even when she wasn’t reciprocating to your calls and texts. Also you showed her this things by your actions and the way you talked to her. Funny enough this happens with most guys because they don’t understand the secret of attraction, they don’t understand what it means to be a man. A man is not needy or desperate about any woman because he has this self confidence and he knows that he can do without her. Women feel more attracted to guys who have a sense of independence, and whose actions showcase their high level of maturity and independence. This keeps her guessing how much he loves her and because of this, she feels more drawn to him than ever. Being needy and desperate is a huge turn off to women. 

2. You were a control freak
You always wanted to know all she was doing, the guys she was meeting and possibly, sometimes you questioned her about the guys she was seeing because you didn’t want her to fall for any other guy, so you wanted to know every aspect of her life just because she was dating you. Many guys don’t know that they shouldn’t try this with women because women need their space and they have their own lives to live. You can’t just try to hold her down just because you are into a relationship with her. You are neither her father nor her mother, the moment you become a control freak, your woman will begin to view and see you as a torment to her, she would just get tired of you and she would want you to go away so that she can ease off and be herself.

3. You always complained

Complaining too much is a sign of emotional weakness which isn’t a characteristic of a man. By complaining, you are simply showing your woman how weak you are emotionally and you are telling her indirectly through your actions that she can’t lean on you and that you are not man enough to stand behind her back when things gets tough. Women need men who are emotionally stable and who can be able to support them. Your woman shouldn’t be the man in your relationship, when the opposite happens, she will get turned off by you and dump you to find another man that she can lean on.

4. Feelings weren't mutual
She left you because she wasn’t in love with you just as you were in love with her. This usually happens because the guy relaxed and forgot himself in the relationship. He stopped being challenging to his woman and he didn’t display traits that are naturally attractive to her. He simply believed that these things ends when a relationship begins. He finally found out that he was mistaken because she grew bored and dumped him. In order to keep your woman attracted to you, you have to keep displaying traits that are attractive to her and you have to keep being a Challenge to her. If you don’t do this, there will be nothing to feed her feelings of attraction for you and you will end up getting dumped.

5. You were too nice
Sincerely speaking, there’s nothing wrong with being nice, but if you are too nice with your woman, you will end up being boring and predictable to her. Examples of what I mean by being too nice are; always being there for her, giving and granting her requests for anything she asks for, always buying her things especially roses and always being available. By being too nice, you are blowing your cover and you aren’t being mysterious or attractive to your woman. Also being too nice makes you look less like a man because you will eventually let her step all over your head. You should learn to say “NO”.

6. Mama's boy
You seemed to be too attached to your parents in such a way that you couldn’t do things without needing their help or their advice. Most importantly you always talked about your mum so much to the extent that she just needed some breathing space. Being a mama’s boy could mean many things, it could mean that you are insecure and it could also mean that although you are mature, you are immature mentally. No lady wants to deal with someone who is less of a man and who can’t handle matters on his own.

7. You put her on the pedestal 
Many guys don’t know this. There’s nothing wrong with flirting because without flirting, in most cases, a woman can’t be sexually attracted to you or if she’s attracted, the attraction won’t last but by flirting excessively, you are putting her on the pedestal and making her feel important. Something many guys don’t know is that women feel insecure about their appearance and unsure about how attractive they look, that’s why she will feel attraction and sexual tingling the moment you do things right in a conversation and you begin flirting with her, but when you do it excessively, you are simply making her feel important and the moment a woman begins to feel important, you might not like what she will do. She will begin to treat you like she is doing you a favour and she will begin to loose attraction for you gradually.

8. You were emotionally weak
This is a huge turn off for a lot of women. An example of this is crying. As a man, nothing more shows how emotionally weak you are than crying. Many women hate to see this and to reasonable men, it’s embarrassing. Like I said early, don’t expect your woman to be the man in your relationship.

9. You had no ambition or goal
As a man, there is no other cause of an unbalanced life than when your goals and ambitions are lacking and this is a huge turn off to women. Let’s turn it around, how would you feel if you are in a relationship with a woman who has no ambition? You would feel bad, wouldn’t you? The same thing applies in the case of a man, she would feel bad because obviously, there seems to be no hope of a future between the both of you, especially if you both are in a serious relationship. No woman wants a man without an ambition. A focused mind is a characteristic of a true man.

10. You were dependent on her
A man is meant to be in charge of the relationship, he steers it to any direction he wills, just like a captains steers his ship. So when you are dependent on her, you are simply handing over your manly power over to her. The moment a woman stops feeling like a woman in a relationship, she stops feeling feminine or she starts feeling neutral in your relationship, she will begin to loose attraction and respect for you. It is your job to make her feel like the woman in your relationship.

Now, since you have knowledge of these factors, it’s very important that you avoid making these mistakes in your relationship. 


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