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I have seen many situations where many guys would talk about women and say a lot of funny things about them. Most of them think they can tell which woman is on their "league". Many of them fall into the mistake of thinking that women only fall in love with guys who are physically attractive, many guys determine if they could get a woman to like them based on how physically attractive they think they are. A guy might think "I believe I am handsome, if I approach her and speak to her, she will fall for me". While this is true in a sense, the criteria for most women(91% of women) feeling sexual attraction for men isn't based on physical appearance.

Like I have always said, what determines if a woman would feel sexual attraction for you, is how good you make her feel sexually. Unlike women, men feel sexual attraction for a woman depending on how physically attractive she is. 

This explains why a man would stare at an attractive woman when she passes, or a guy would be willing to have sex or jerk off when he sees a naked lady.
Let's take a look at this picture below:

That's a fat man with a pot belly. Many guys might think that he is not able to attract women, but do you know that he could actually attract so many women if he wanted to? Do you know that he could also have his choice of women?

Women deal with sexual emotions and feelings. You don't need to be handsome to attract women. 

You don't even need to work out or become a body builder in order to make women feel sexually attracted to you. You don't need muscles or abs to do so. As a man, if you are not able to make women feel sexual attraction for you, then you have an unnatural deformity. 
When I say "make her feel attracted to you" I mean "sexual attraction"

So the question is; what kind of feelings do you make a woman have for you? Do you make her have sexual feelings of attraction for you? Or do you make her have just mere feelings of friendship for you? What level of sexual attraction does she have for you? Of course there are many levels of sexual attraction, but I am speaking of an extreme level of sexual attraction.

You could make a woman feel an extreme level of sexual attraction by the way you talk to her and the way you behave and act around her. I am going to talk about some traits that are naturally attractive to women.

Traits that are naturally attractive to women. 
        There are many traits that are naturally attractive to women including body language but I will talk about the most important ones. 

1. Charisma

When it comes to charisma, I mean the way you display your confidence as you speak. Women feel less attracted to guys who can't speak out with an air of confidence, they feel less attracted to guys who can't speak out and say what they want to say without minding what happens, they feel less attracted to shy and timid guys.

Your level of charisma could determine if you are an alpha male or not. So you have to learn how to speak to women without being shaky or shy. You also have to learn how to speak out in public so that you can be able to defeat your fears. 

2. Confidence

This is the greatest and most important of all the other traits, because your level of confidence determines how well you display the other traits, your confidence is the key to unlocking all other traits. 

When I say being confident, I mean being fearless, always having a positive mindset towards things and being dependent on yourself. Many guys don't get it, but whenever you talk to a woman, you have to talk to her as though she is already attracted to you. Doing this only will boost your level of confidence. You also have to learn how to prevent your level of confidence from decreasing, because a man without confidence is not a man. An example of this is; when you go out to speak with a woman and after a while you notice that the conversation is getting boring or moving in a wrong direction, end the conversation immediately because if you continue, the woman you are speaking with might not be enjoying the conversation and she will certainly act in a way that will reduce your level of confidence.

3. An Air of Mystery

Here I mean being mysterious and unpredictable. Women aren't supposed to be able to predict your next move or line of action. A predictable guy is a huge turn off for most women, because when a woman is always able to predict your next line of action, you immediately become less interesting to her eyes and she will begin to loose attraction for you gradually. The best way of being mysterious is by being inconsistent with most things you do with her or around her and the way you behave around her. Also you have to learn how not to reveal too much information about yourself to a woman. In this way, you will keep your air of mystery and she will always have questions running in her head, she might be confused or uncertain about you and the way you feel about her and this will increase the level of attraction she has for you.

4. Challenge

Women definitely feel attracted to guys who are a Challenge to conquer. Anywhere in the world, something cheap means that it's quality is low and because of this, nobody want anything cheap, this case applies to your dealings with women. Women feel less attracted to cheap guys, although they might not tell you this but to them, men who are a challenge to conquer are the best they could have in a relationship.

By being a Challenge to conquer, I mean making a woman hard to get your attention and earn your respect and love. You have to give her the impression that you aren't the type that gets impressed easily. Take for example; how do you feel when you meet a cheap girl? You feel turned off right? By this, you will know how women would feel when they meet a cheap guy. You have to beat women at their own game, you have to make her invest her time and energy on you and for sure, it will be very difficult for her to leave you. In a later post, I will write about ways of being a Challenge.

5. Good Sense of Humour

It’s a good thing to be funny and cocky sometimes, it adds fun to your personality, no one wants to stay with someone too serious and boring right? What makes a man attractive to women is not just his ability to make funny jokes but his ability to flirt and make arrogant jokes. As we know it, attraction can’t take place without flirting, by flirting with a woman, you are telling her indirectly that you find her sexually attractive, but flirting should not be overdone or you will end up putting her on the pedestal which wont be good. To prevent this, it’s good to combine flirting with an arrogant humour, by doing this you make her feel that you are not really into her and this is really going to get her attention because she will begin to feel that she really needs to work to get your attention and care, an instance of what I mean is; at a bar, after a brief conversation, she asks you to buy her a drink, but instead of simply agreeing to that, you ask her to buy you a drink instead(but in a humorous way) and you both laugh about that or she asks you; “how does my hair look?” you respond; “ looks so rough” she looks at you surprised, you simply look at her and say; “what were you thinking? It looks good of course”(in a funny way) and you both laugh over it. Here you are doing something very attractive and subconsciously she will understand the message you are trying to pass across to her.

Finally you need to have a good sense of hygein. No one wants to move about with someone that has a bad hygein. 


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