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This topic certainly might spark up controversies as to "why?". Everything here is very simple and straight forward, I will explain them all to you. 

Why do Women seem confusing and unpredictable in their behaviour?
About 93% of women don't know what they want, due to the fact that they are "feeling beings" and are different from their male counterparts who are "logical beings". I have always given an explanation for this, but the simple explanation for this is that, women follow their feelings and emotions and act on them but men do the opposite, they reason things out in a logical way before taking actions.

The female brain is wired to act more on feelings and events around her. This is why many women would say one thing today and act on another tomorrow. Example: a woman being interviewed or asked what she likes in a man or what makes her feel attracted to men, could say that she likes tall, huge men, muscular ones or very handsome men.
The next time you meet her, you might certainly find out that she is actually dating a guy who didn't meet up to her requirements which she stated above in her interview. She might be dating an ugly guy, a slim guy or even a short guy. This happens because she follows her feelings, she would date this guy because obviously, he displayed traits that are naturally attractive to women either consciously or unconsciously and due to the way her brain is wired, she had no choice but to go on with him. You can't blame her for not sticking to her choices. This is a woman for you.

A lady might say that she feels attracted to rich guys or she may say that she will marry a rich guy, but finally, she would marry a middle class guy or a broke guy, why? Simply because he displayed traits that are naturally attractive to women and she fell in love with as a result. Women are not static, women are dynamic and that's why you shouldn't always trust them on the choices they make.

Why shouldn't you take relationship advice from women?
       I do not say that all women can't give relationship advices, but only very few may be capable of doing so and those "few" might actually be trained relationship gurus. So because majority of women can't give relationship advices, it's prudent enough if you don't trust any of them on their advices. Confused right? Now I will explain; what do you think a woman will tell you when you ask her for her advice in regards to your relationship or your woman? 
Most women will give you wrong advices, they will tell you what most women see as right, but which in reality are wrong. They will tell you things such as; "always call her, always text her, if you really like her, tell her you do, buy her some stuff like groceries, cosmetics, chocolates e.t.c". they will give you all sort of petty advices which women tend to see as attractive, but not attractive to them in the real sense. When you follow this petty advices, you become needy, desperate and less of a challenge to your woman just because you listened to these petty advices.

Like I said earlier, women don't know what they want. What they feel they want is not what they want, what they feel is attractive to them in a guy(such as the petty advice which most women give above) is not what is actually attractive to them. Most women don't know certain masculine traits that are naturally attractive to them, but you can't blame them because like I said, they are feeling beings. They would give you relationship advices in the logical sense, forgetting that they don't deal with logic naturally when it comes to sexual attraction.
When you finally follow their advices which are petty and which are given out of logical reasoning, you will end up being less of a man, needy, desperate, less of a challenge and finally your woman won't find herself sexually attracted to you anymore
A lot of problems will come up in your relationship because she doesn't really need your gifts in order to be sexually attracted to you, she doesn't want you to be needy and desperate, she doesn't want you to always call, text her and bug up her phone all the time, she wants you to be a man and be more of a challenge, she wants you to be mysterious, finally, she wants you to have confidence as a man should. 
If you lack these traits, your woman will begin to loose attraction for you gradually. 


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