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It would be unreasonable to say that you can't get angry and react when your woman does something wrong or displays some certain acts of misbehaviour.

All the same, remember that you are a man. A man is someone who isn't emotionally weak and who is mysterious/unpredictable.

What does it mean to be emotionally weak and how does it affect your emotional stability? 

You could be emotionally weak when a woman is able to control your emotions or influence the way you behave or think as a human being. A woman is able to control your emotions for example; if you get angry or react emotionally(either negatively or positively) to everything she does. This shows that you are petty and weak. It is okay to fall in love with a woman, but its advicable not to put in a your love and person into her in order to avoid being able to be controlled by her emotionally, especially when she does something wrong or hurts you. If you follow this advice, you will be able to act independently and take certain decisions as a man should, instead of being dragged around like a sheep by your woman. This also helps you avoid the trap of being too nice to her. By the way, she is just a human being, just like every other lady and not an angel from heaven.

She can't be an angel from heaven because she could become wild if you let her. Always bear in mind that every woman has their "wild side" which could cause chaos in a relationship. 

What does it mean to be mysterious and how does it affect your emotional stability?

Imagine a scenario whereby, a man is dating a nagging woman. The first time she shouted a lot at him, he remained silent and didn't show any sign of anger, but when she was done, he simply smiled. How do you think this lady would feel? What do you think would be going on in her head? Of course she would be wondering; "what is he thinking?" "why isn't he angry and why isn't he reacting to what I just did?". He would begin to seem mysterious to her and unpredictable, because she doesn't know how he feels about her actions or what is going on in his head about her. He would seem emotionally stable to her

Emotional stability means that she can't change or influence his mood or the way he behaves, this gives him a little touch of independence and this will increase the level of attraction she has for him. 

So what am I saying? 

Am not saying that you should never get angry with her, all am trying to point out is that, some situations do not call for angry reactions towards her while some other situations do. All am trying to say is that, a real man is stable and unmovable emotionally, even when situations around him gets tough.

For women, when situations get tough, they would likely shrink away and this is why they need strong male, masculine "pillars" to hold and lean on to.

I am going to lay emphasis on three main situations that doesnt call for angry reactions from you to a woman. 

Three main scenarios where anger isn't called for:

1. On your first and second date. 

When you go out with a woman on a date for the first or second time, you would want to be seen by her as an easy going guy who wants to take things easy and slow with her. An example is; when she exhibits bad table manners or when she accidentally spills a drink on your shirt due to her carelessness. Getting annoyed wouldn't help matters, it wouldn't portray your image in a positive light and if course, it will decrease her level of attraction for you. 

2. When she is nagging or pouring out her complaints on you angrily. 

In this situation, this isn't the time to justify yourself, even if you are right and she is wrong, but it is time to keep quiet and listen to all she has to say without making a comment or showing any signs of anger. Women love talking, they are good at it and as a man, you can't win a woman in an argument. So it's best to stay calm until "the storm" has died down, then you can give her a smile and explain things to her when she is alright.

3. When she is having her period. 

When a woman is having her period, the pains and cramps may come with a lot of psychological effects on her, such as; mood swings or anger and harsh temper in some cases. So during this period she might complain a lot or take offence at the slightest things, so like I said earlier, you have to be calm and recollected, then when she is done, after some time, you can tell her that you understand the situation that she is going through and also tell her that just because she is passing through a challenging period doesn't mean that she would shout down at you or act in anyway she likes. She will definitely understand. 

Now giving these three main scenarios, in a general case of being naggy or complaining angrily, you need to give her space, She needs it but in order to maintain your self worth, when this gets too much, you have to confront her on the issue but do so calmly and gently and do not give her the impression that you aren't displeased. 


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